What we do
Glorify God
The glory of God drives every aspect of our gatherings as the body of Christ. God desires that he might be known and enjoyed for his very nature and character. All things exist and are being worked according to God’s eternal pleasure and plan, which is the demonstration of His own intrinsic glory. Stated simply, the glory of God is our chief end.
How we do it
By Making Disciples
A God-glorifying church, therefore, actively seeks to obey the final charge of Jesus Christ to his followers: make disciples of all nations. God, in his gracious plan, has chosen believers to be conformed to the image of his Son, Jesus. Disciple-making and discipleship is the means by which we participate in this mission, for his ultimate glory.
Our Core Values
Glorify God by making disciples through gospel-centered worship, gospel-formed community, and gospel-driven service.
Last Week's Sermon
This Week At Heritage
Financial Peace University
Begins September 8 & 12
God cares about what we do with money because He cares about every aspect of our lives. In pursuit of this aim, we have partnered with Ramsey+ to make thousands of financial resources available (at a heavily discounted rate) to both Heritage members and our surrounding Lakeland community. Click below for additional information and registration details.