Middle and High School
We function as an active part of the local body of Christ here in Lakeland, FL. Because the gospel is absolutely vital to Heritage’s mission, so too does the gospel drive discipleship in our Student Ministry (HSM) as we seek to bring glory to God by making disciples through gospel-centered worship, gospel-formed community, and gospel-driven service.
Director of Student Ministry
Gospel-Centered Worship
Worship assigns ultimate worth and value to an object or being. While this fallen, created world screams for our worship, Creator God alone is worthy of worship (Rev 4:8-11). HSM gathers weekly to point students back toward God himself through large-group teaching and student-led musical worship. Gospel-centered worship is the fuel for our discipleship.
Gospel-Formed Community
Mankind was not created to be alone, but rather to live in community (Gen 2:18). Authentic fellowship between brothers and sisters in Christ builds up the body by coming alongside one another in trial and triumph (1 Cor 12:26-27). HSM peer-to-peer relationships are important to help students relate and grow alongside one another in their personal faith. Additionally, HSM leader-to-student relationships model a spirit of servant-leadership as both pursue being conformed into the image of Christ together. Our weekly discipleship group gatherings (broken up by age/gender), large group games, activities and events, and spontaneous non-church gatherings cultivate these relationships. Gospel-formed community is the framework for our discipleship.
Gospel-Driven Service
Intentional, sacrificial living and humble service is counter-cultural. A proper grasp of God’s grace and love, however, transforms lives and motivates us to extend this same grace and love to others. HSM provides several service opportunities during the year within the local body of Christ, across the city of Lakeland, throughout the United States, and even beyond. Gospel-driven service is the fruit of discipleship.
You keep talking about discipleship, but what is it?
Discipleship may be broadly defined as intentional, life-touching-life opportunities where “discipler” and “disciplee” pursue Christlikeness together. Growing disciples toward a knowledge and understanding of Christ impacts lives in the following ways: salvation, spiritual maturity, and servant-leadership. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution for intentional discipleship, it often occurs both formally and organically; such as, sharing a meal together, an organized activity/event, preaching/teaching ministry, local community outreach, enjoying a hobby together, small group accountability, domestic and international service trips, or even a counseling session. These environments (and many more!) are intentionally motivated by our gospel-centered focus and can be found within our student ministry context.
Meeting Times
Sundays 9am – HSM Community Group
- Grades 6th-12th
- Location: FLC Hangar
- Style: Small Group Discussion with Q&A
Sundays 10:15am – Heritage Morning Worship
- 6th Grade and up
- Location: Main Auditorium
- Style: Large Group, Cross-Generational
Wednesdays 6:30pm – HSM Gathering
- Grades 6th-12th
- Location: Family Life Center
- Style: Large Group Teaching & Relational Discipleship Small Groups