Welcome to the HBC Women’s Ministry!
Whether you are a new visitor or a long-time member, we want to welcome you to Heritage and help get you connected to the life of the church. Because the gospel is absolutely essential to HBC’s mission, it is the foundation upon which we build our Women’s Ministry. Our purpose is to come alongside the leadership of Heritage to disciple women through gospel-centered worship, gospel-formed community, and gospel-driven service.
Rooted Bible Reading Groups
Starting the first week in September, we will be offering a new weekly small group discipleship opportunity for ladies, Rooted Bible Reading Groups. This is for anyone who wants to grow in your ability to understand God's word, develop consistent bible reading habits with accountability, and apply what God is teaching you in community. The Rooted groups will be reading the gospel of John over a 13 week period between Labor Day and Thanksgiving. Full details and sign up information can be found here. Space in groups is limited to first 20 registrants.
Fall Sunday AM Elective Class
Beginning Sunday, September 8th during the 9am hour, Samantha Hartman will be offering a “How to Study Your Bible” elective class focusing on the genre of Old Testament narrative. Specifically, we will be in the book of Genesis in a "hands on" format as we walk through how to read, understand, and apply the text together. The goal of the class is to help participants grow in their own ability to understand the scriptures through skills in observation, interpretation, and application. Advanced registration is kindly requested in order to purchase the proper resources: you can do so here. The class will run for 8 weeks.
Gospel-Formed Community
Because we are intentional about offering “life on life” discipleship opportunities, we’ve found that gospel-formed community and gospel-driven service most frequently go hand-in-hand! Discipleship occurs in a variety of ways, but the focus is the same: to develop fully devoted followers of Christ. Sometimes, these discipleship relationships develop organically through community groups or bible studies. At other times, the HBC Women’s Ministry can intentionally partner you with a mature follower of Christ to come alongside you in your walk with Christ. Contact Samantha Hartman if interested.
“Community Life” events are offered quarterly as a way to connect with other HBC women and serve. Sometimes these are “Service Nights” where we gather to meet the needs of others. Other times, we come together for fellowship and a fun event to help HBC women get connected. Contact Micah Van Camp with questions or if you would like to help serve!
Gospel-Driven Service
“S.O.S. “ (Serve our Seniors) is a service group which exists to meet the needs of our older folks at HBC. In the fall, SOS is launching a new ministry called “Connecting Across Generations.” The purpose of this ministry is to connect families and individuals with a special senior for purposes of encouragement, fellowships, and meeting needs. If you are interested in helping out with S.O.S. contact Natasha Johnson at nlthorpe@msn.com.